Photos of the exhibition of the ancient South Americans - Incas, Aztecs and Mayans
A scary ceremonial adornment for blood-rituals, the teeth are real. The blue parts are tiny little pieces of turquoise fixed in a perfect mosaic
Another adornment for ritual - a monkey skull covered with mosaic and fixed with shark's teeth
An anatomically accurate carving of a rattlesnake - the underside was carved as well
Another scary blood-ritual mask
The darker blue patches on the cheeks of this mask are butterflies, which represent a particular deity who was responsible for particular rituals
The double-headed Aztec serpent mosaic
Details from a carved-stone wall tablet
The following set of photos are from the exhibition of items from North America
Intricately beaded slippers
A mask representing the god whale-hunting hunting - this was made by a Native American
contemporary artist in a style similar to an ancient original
Items from Captain Cook's first meetings Native Americans
A traditional Intuit fur jacket
Spirit poles carved from red cedar that were placed outside the home